بصوا هو الانبي سي ده سهل بس فيه ناس كتير مش ضيفاها
في الانبي سي ده ضيف ده
#region Online Points Changer case 50544: { switch (npcRequest.OptionID) { case 0: { dialog.Text("Hello " + client.Entity.Name + " I am changing OnlinePoints. Your OnlinePoints : " + client.Entity.OnlinePoints + " "); // dialog.Option("VIP", 12); // dialog.Option("GoldPrize -1[Prem] (100,000) OnlinePoints.", 11); dialog.Option("50 OP To 100,000,000 CPs", 13); dialog.Option("100 OP To 250,000,000 CPs", 14); dialog.Option("200 OP To 500,000,000 CPs", 15); dialog.Option("Stone +8 = 60 Points", 16); dialog.Option("Stone +7 = 40 Points", 17); dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255); dialog.Send(); break; } case 13: { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 50) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 50; client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 100000000; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 50 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 15: { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 200) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 200; client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 500000000; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 200 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 16: { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 60) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 60; client.Inventory.Add(730008, 0, 1); } else { dialog.Text("Please take 60 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 17: { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 40) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 40; client.Inventory.Add(730007, 0, 1); } else { dialog.Text("Please take 40 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 14: { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 100) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 100; client.Entity.ConquerPoints += 250000000; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 100 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 11: { dialog.Option("GoldPrize -1 (100,000) Online Points ", 7); dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); break; } case 12: { dialog.Option("( VIP 1 ) 100 Online Points.", 1); dialog.Option("( VIP 2 ) 500 Online Points.", 2); dialog.Option("( VIP 3 ) 1000 Online Points.", 3); dialog.Option("( VIP 4 ) 2000 Online Points.", 4); dialog.Option("( VIP 5 ) 3000 Online Points.", 5); dialog.Option("( VIP 6 ) 4000 Online Points.", 6); dialog.Option("Just passing by.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); break; } case 1: { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel == 0 && client.Entity.VIPLevel < 1) { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 100) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 100; client.Entity.VIPLevel = 1; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 100 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry Can't upgrade any more."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 2: { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel == 1) { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 500) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 500; client.Entity.VIPLevel = 2; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 500 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry Can't upgrade any more."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 3: { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel == 2) { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 1000) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 1000; client.Entity.VIPLevel = 3; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 1000 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry Can't upgrade any more."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 4: { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel == 3) { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 2000) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 2000; client.Entity.VIPLevel = 4; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 2000 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry Can't upgrade any more."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 5: { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel == 4) { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 3000) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 3000; client.Entity.VIPLevel = 5; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 3000 OnlinePoints.."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry Can't upgrade any more."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 6: { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel == 5) { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 4000) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 4000; client.Entity.VIPLevel = 6; } else { dialog.Text("Please take 4000 OnlinePoints."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } } else { dialog.Text("Sorry Can't upgrade any more."); dialog.Option("I see.", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); } break; } case 7: { if (client.Entity.OnlinePoints >= 100000) { client.Entity.OnlinePoints -= 100000; client.Inventory.Add(2100075, 0, 1); } else { dialog.Text("you don't have 100,000 Online Points!"); dialog.Option("i'll see.", 255); } break; } } break; } #endregion
وفي الworld ضيف دول
#region Cpsonline - Points online By Mohamed_Yasser if (client.Entity.Level >= 140) { if (!client.Entity.Dead) if (Time32.Now > client.Entity.OnlinePointStamp.AddMinutes(15)) { uint Cpscount = 0; client.Entity.OnlinePoints += 15; client.Entity.OnlinePointStamp = Time32.Now; client.Entity.ConquerPoints += Cpscount; client.MessageBox("You Got [15] OnlinePoints For Being Online Those 15 Minutes, Stay online and Gain More - " + Program.NameGame + "", p => { p.Entity.Teleport(1002, 268, 299); }, null, 60); } } #endregion
ياريت يكون عجبكم لان المنتدات التانيه بتضيف الnpc
6 thoughts on “اونلاين بوينت – من محمد ياسر”
هو اي حاجه وخلاص ده الان بي سي والكود بتاع الي بيدي البوينتات كل 15 دقيقه
فين السيستم بقي فين باقي الاضفات ما كده كل الناس هيجيلها ايرور في
انا دلوقتى معنديش كلمة world اعمل اية احطها فين الكود الى تحت لو سمحت ممكن ترد
التروجن مش بيلبس السلاحين مع بعض
والبوكر عايز حد يظبطهولي بس علشان مش شغال كويس
بيجيلي في كلمه بروجرم في الورلد
خليه Server