ان بى سى الدونيشن - ابداع كونكر - conquer private server

ان بى سى الدونيشن

ان بى سى الدونيشن

ان بى سى الرفع فى الدونيشن

هتفتح ملف


وهتدور على

switch (client.Entity.MapID)

وهتضيف الاكود تحتها

#region Nobility Donor
                case 7611237:
                        switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
                            case 0:
                                    dialog.Text("Hello friend. I can help you get on the top faster! Instead of donating gold, you can give me your cps and I will automatically do the hard work for you. The exchange ratio is 1:50000. That means you give me 1 CPs, I donate for you 50000 gold. The minimum amount is 6,000,000 CPs.");
                                    dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 1, 10);
                                    dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
                            case 1:
                                    uint input;
                                    if (uint.TryParse(npcRequest.Input, out input))
                                        if (input < 6000000)
                                            dialog.Text("You need to input more or atleast 6,000,000 CPs..");
                                            dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 1, 9);
                                            dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
                                        if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= input)
                                            client.NpcCpsInput = input;
                                            dialog.Text("Are you sure you want to donate " + input + " CPs? That means I will donate for you " + (((ulong)input) * 50000ul) + " gold.");
                                            dialog.Option("Yes", 2);
                                            dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
                                            dialog.Text("You don't have that much CPs. Try again. \nThe exchange ratio is 1:50000. That means you give me 1 CPs, I donate for you 50000 gold. The minimum amount is 6,000,000 CPs.");
                                            dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 1, 9);
                                            dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
                                        dialog.Text("Try again. \nThe exchange ratio is 1:50000. That means you give me 1 CPs, I donate for you 50000 gold. The minimum amount is 6,000,000 CPs.");
                                        dialog.Input("Insert amount:", 1, 9);
                                        dialog.Option("No thank you.", 255);
                            case 2:
                                    if (client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= client.NpcCpsInput && client.NpcCpsInput != 0)
                                        client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= client.NpcCpsInput;
                                        Game.ConquerStructures.Nobility.Donate((ulong)client.NpcCpsInput * 50000ul, client);
                                        client.NpcCpsInput = 0;

وهتروح على النفى كات


وتضيف ده

7611237    0    0    nobilitydonation    2    16970    -1    1036    198    191    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    None    0    0    0    0    0  

وكده هيبقى تمام يا صحبى


تيم تهيس – jdl jids – تيم تهييس – jdl jidds – team Taheys – سورسات كونكر – فى بى اس – vps – اعلانات السيرفرات الشخصية – اعلانات السيرفرات

أضف تعليق

قوانين المدونة & عن تيم تهيس