مش هطول عليكم كود الانبسي
تيم تهيس jdl jids
#region Damage -8 case 3501231: { switch (npcRequest.OptionID) { case 0: { if (client.Entity.VIPLevel >= 1 && client.Entity.VIPLevel <= 5) { dialog.Text("oO Sorry no cant use this system Damage -8 Call [Gm] To give [VIP] 6."); dialog.Option("Thanx [Gm].", 255); dialog.Avatar(116); dialog.Send(); break; } client.Entity.Update(_String.Effect, "zf2-e290", true); dialog.Text("I am here to Damage your gear... to enjoy you special items for 150.000 ConquerPoint But Vip Level 6 only."); dialog.Option("Damage Head [-8]", (byte)ConquerItem.Head); dialog.Option("Damage Ring [-8]", (byte)ConquerItem.Ring); dialog.Option("Damage LeftWeapon [-8]", (byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon); dialog.Option("Damage RightWeapon [-8]", (byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon); dialog.Option("Damage Armor [-8]", (byte)ConquerItem.Armor); dialog.Option("Damage Necklace [-8]", (byte)ConquerItem.Necklace); dialog.Option("Damage Boots [-8]", (byte)ConquerItem.Boots); dialog.Send(); break; } case (byte)ConquerItem.Head: case (byte)ConquerItem.Ring: case (byte)ConquerItem.LeftWeapon: case (byte)ConquerItem.RightWeapon: case (byte)ConquerItem.Armor: case (byte)ConquerItem.Necklace: case (byte)ConquerItem.Boots: { ConquerItem item; if ((item = client.Equipment.TryGetItem(npcRequest.OptionID)) != null) { if (item.Bless == 7 && client.Entity.ConquerPoints >= 150000) { client.Entity.Update(_String.Effect, "zf2-e290", true); client.Entity.ConquerPoints -= 150000; item.Bless = 8; item.Mode = Game.Enums.ItemMode.Update; item.Send(client); Database.ConquerItemTable.UpdateBless(item); } else { dialog.Text("Sorry you no have 150.000 Cps"); dialog.Option("Ahh sorry.", 255); } } break; } } break; } #endregion
2 thoughts on “انبي سي دمج -8 محمد ياسر”
طيب السروس الي معايا معملو حمايه لما باعمل قطعه -8 الحساب بيقفل ولما افتح ترجع 7 تاني انا عاوز اخليها اخرها -8 انا شغال بسورس هيما
هل لو نزلتة يبوظلي اتاك اللعبة