عاوز حد يعدل على الانبسي ده ويخليه يدي الاستف فرى ويضيف فيها الويند ولكر - ابداع كونكر - conquer private server

عاوز حد يعدل على الانبسي ده ويخليه يدي الاستف فرى ويضيف فيها الويند ولكر

عاوز حد يعدل على الانبسي ده ويخليه يدي الاستف فرى ويضيف فيها الويند ولكر

#region Stuff Seller
case 521470:
uint Cost = (uint)(client.Claimeds * 5000000);
bool Bound = false;
byte Plus = 12;
byte Enchant = 0;
byte Bless = 1;
byte Soc1 = 13;
byte Soc2 = 13;
byte tSoc1 = 3;
byte tSoc2 = 3;
byte fSoc = 103;
byte sSoc = 123;
byte Days = 7;
uint Steed = 300000;
uint Gourd = 2100025;
uint Garment = 187465;
uint Mount = 200416;
byte nbless = 0;
DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
switch (npcRequest.OptionID)
case 0:
if (client.Inventory.Count >= 26)
dialog.Text("You must have 15 free space in inventory !");
dialog.Option("Okay", 255);
if (client.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.Administrator)// || client.Account.State == Database.AccountTable.AccountState.GameMaster)
dialog.Text("hello, I can help you by Leanding u a 7-days Stuff. Choose Carefully");
dialog.Text("Each costs " + Cost + " Cps");
dialog.Option("Items Warrior", 1);
dialog.Option("Items Archer", 8);
dialog.Option("Items Assassin", 2);
dialog.Option("Items Ninja", 3);
dialog.Option("Items Monk", 4);
dialog.Option("Items Trojan", 5);
dialog.Option("Items Pirate", 6);
dialog.Option("Items Toaist", 7);
if (client.Claimeds < 3)
dialog.Text("hello, I can help you by Leanding u a 7-days Stuff. Choose Carefully");
dialog.Text("Each costs " + Cost + " Cps");
dialog.Option("Items Warrior", 1);
dialog.Option("Items Archer", 8);
dialog.Option("Items Assassin", 2);
dialog.Option("Items Ninja", 3);
dialog.Option("Items Monk", 4);
dialog.Option("Items Trojan", 5);
dialog.Option("Items Pirate", 6);
dialog.Option("Items Toaist", 7);
#region Items Warrior
case 1:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 560239;//BattleSpear
uint itemid2 = 111109;//ConquestHelmet
uint itemid3 = 131109;//PhoenixArmor
uint itemid4 = 900109;//DragonShield
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 150229;//CryingRing
uint itemid9 = 120229;//DarkNecklace
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid4, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region Items Assassin
case 2:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 613229;//PolarKnife
uint itemid2 = 113099;//SharkHat
uint itemid3 = 133109;//PhoenixJerkin
uint itemid4 = 613229;//PolarKnife
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 150229;//CryingRing
uint itemid9 = 120229;//DarkNecklace
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid4, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region Items Archer
case 8:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 500329;//ShadowBow
uint itemid2 = 113099;//SharkHat
uint itemid3 = 133109;//PhoenixJerkin
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 150229;//CryingRing
uint itemid9 = 120229;//DarkNecklace
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region Items Ninga
case 3:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 601239;//CrownKatana
uint itemid2 = 112109;//GrudgeVeil
uint itemid3 = 135109;//OwlVest
uint itemid4 = 601239;//CrownKatana
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 150229;//CryingRing
uint itemid9 = 120229;//DarkNecklace
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid4, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region Items Monk
case 4:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 610239;//ArhatPrayerBeads
uint itemid2 = 143109;//HeadbandOfTheBuddha
uint itemid3 = 136109;//RobeOfTheBuddha
uint itemid4 = 610239;//ArhatPrayerBeads
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 150229;//CryingRing
uint itemid9 = 120229;//DarkNecklace
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid4, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region Items Trojan
case 5:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 410239;//FrostBlade
uint itemid2 = 118109;//MagicCoronet
uint itemid3 = 130103;//ConquestArmor
uint itemid4 = 410239;//FrostBlade
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 150229;//CryingRing
uint itemid9 = 120229;//DarkNecklace
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid4, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region Items Pirate
case 6:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 611239;//SpeedRapier
uint itemid2 = 144109;//CunningHat
uint itemid3 = 139109;//WhaleCoat
uint itemid4 = 612239;//SlayerPistol
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 150229;//CryingRing
uint itemid9 = 120229;//DarkNecklace
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid4, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);
#region Items Toaist
case 7:
if (client.Player.ConquerPoints >= Cost)
client.Player.ConquerPoints -= Cost;
client.Claimeds += 1;
uint itemid1 = 421239;//RealBacksword
uint itemid2 = 114109;//UltimateCap
uint itemid3 = 134109;//PineRobe
uint itemid5 = 201009;//HeavenFan
uint itemid6 = 202009;//StarTower
uint itemid7 = 203009;//RidingCrop
uint itemid8 = 152229;//DiamondBracelet
uint itemid9 = 121219;//RosyBag
uint itemid10 = 160229;//MagicBoots
client.Inventory.Add(itemid1, Plus, Bless, Enchant, tSoc1, tSoc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid2, Plus, Bless, Enchant, tSoc1, tSoc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid3, Plus, Bless, Enchant, tSoc1, tSoc2, Days, 1, Bound);
//client.Inventory.Add(itemid4, Plus, Bless, Enchant, Soc1, Soc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid5, Plus, 0, 0, fSoc, fSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid6, Plus, 0, 0, sSoc, sSoc, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid7, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid8, Plus, Bless, Enchant, tSoc1, tSoc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid9, Plus, Bless, Enchant, tSoc1, tSoc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(itemid10, Plus, Bless, Enchant, tSoc1, tSoc2, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Steed, Plus, 0, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Gourd, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Garment, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
client.Inventory.Add(Mount, 0, nbless, 0, 0, 0, Days, 1, Bound);
dialog.Text("Sorry you don't have " + Cost + " Cps.");
dialog.Option("I see.", 255);


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