انبسي لبيع InnerPower And Pack Point's InnerPower لسورس اليكس - ابداع كونكر - conquer private server

انبسي لبيع InnerPower And Pack Point’s InnerPower لسورس اليكس

        public static void SellItemsInnerPower(Client.GameClient client, ServerSockets.Packet stream, byte Option, string Input, uint id) 
        { //!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 
            Dialog data = new Dialog(client, stream); 
            switch (Option) 
                case 0: 
                        data.AddText("Hey " + client.Player.Name + " I'm Sell All Of Items One Of 5K And 50K CP[S] .") 
                       .AddOption("UniversalConcept(A)&(B)", 1)//614439 
                       .AddOption("SecretofBreath(A)&(B)", 2) 
                       .AddOption("DragonTactics(A)&(B)", 3) 
                       .AddOption("DoctrineofDeity(A)(B)(C)", 4) 
                       .AddOption("DemonRider(A)(B)", 5) //-> 3007113& 3007114 
                       .AddOption("BoundlessHeart(A)(B)(C)", 6) //EpicPower New 3D -> 671439 
                       .AddOption("PuzzleofLife(A)(B)(C)", 7) 
                       .AddOption("PackPointsInner", 8) 
                       .AddOption("Let~me~think.", 255) 
                        //}//!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 

                case 1: 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 10000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("You don't have Enough Cps I'm Need 10k Cps."); 
                        }//!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 10000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005365); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005366); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a UniversalConcept(A)(B) in your inventory."); 

                case 2: 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 10000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("You don't have Enough Cps I'm Need 10k Cps."); 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 10000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005395); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005396); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a SecretofBreath(A)(B) in your inventory."); 

                case 3://!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 10000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("You don't have Enough Cps I'm Need 10k Cps."); 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 10000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005397); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005398); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a DragonTactics(A)(B) in your inventory."); 
                    }//!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 

                case 4: 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                            return;//!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 
                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 15000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("You don't have Enough Cps I'm Need 15k Cps."); 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 15000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005399); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005400); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3005401); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a DoctrineofDeity(A)(B)(C) in your inventory."); 

                case 5: 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 10000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("You don't have Enough Cps I'm Need 10k Cps."); 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 10000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007113); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007114); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a DemonRider(A)(B) in your inventory."); 

                case 6: 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 15000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a DemonRider(A)(B) in your inventory."); 
 nbsp;                           //!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 15000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007115); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007116); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007117); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a BoundlessHeart(A)(B)(C) in your inventory."); 
                    }//!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 
                case 7: 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 15000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("You don't have Enough Cps I'm Need 15k Cps."); 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 15000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007230); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007231); 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007232); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a PuzzleofLife(A)(B)(C) in your inventory."); 
                case 8: 
                        if (!client.Inventory.HaveSpace(1)) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Please Fee up some space 1 Slots."); 

                        else if (client.Player.ConquerPoints < 50000) 
                            client.SendSysMesage("You don't have Enough Cps I'm Need 50k Cps."); 
                        {//!Make -> MoAli - RankoS - Camila - Momen! 
                            client.Player.ConquerPoints -= 50000; 
                            client.Inventory.Add(stream, 3007110); 
                            client.SendSysMesage("Congratz you got a PackPointsInner in your inventory."); 

Class NpcID
SellItemsInnerPower = 665566,  

Class “MsgitemUsuagePacket”
Search in this is Code “3007110”
And Deleted it
Copy it’s Class And Paste In this it Code for edit,

case 3007110: 
                                client.Inventory.Update(item, Role.Instance.AddMode.REMOVE, stream); 
                                client.Player.InnerPower.AddPotency(stream, client, 25000); 

                                client.Player.KingDomExploits += 150; 
                                client.SendSysMesage("You received 100 Champion Points,25000 Potency Points, 150 War Exploits and 360 points for Union Fund!", MsgMessage.ChatMode.System); 

And If you wanna to Edit the Points in Pack,
it’s here for you wanna to edit, points

client.Player.InnerPower.AddPotency(stream, client, 25000);  

And i know for you see this is, code 25K Points,!
And it now done for npc
If you go to the server folder source, go to serverdb or name the NVT
And Copy it and Paste in Text Name “SobNpc”



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